They’re alive! Malkin isn’t catatonic! Crosby is done flipping out! They’ve somehow kidnapped themselves, but for now, they’re OK!

So, in that regard, it was an effective showing for the Pittsburgh Penguins' two superstars, who are a game away from wasting a 3-1 series lead on the New York Rangers and, potentially, setting off a franchise-altering chain of events. Jobs might depend on it — and that's coming from trustworthy sources.

It's rare for any stars to speak after optional practices, as was the case on Monday, though Crosby is as consistently available as any player in the league. Malkin is less interested, regardless of how he's playing, so seeing him at the podium was surprising — and, in its own way, indicative that everyone involved realizes the gravity of the situation.

And whether it was partially by design or not, both guys were as relaxed as you'll ever see them. Crosby joked about someone's phone ringing during an answer. (The record can show that he thinks Rihanna's "Only Girl In The World" is a "good song.") He also ribbed Malkin for opting out of a question: "Maybe a couple years ago, I'd have made him answer it."

Malkin (jokingly, probably) fist-pumped when it all was over.

And, naturally, their answers were pretty bland — the best indicator of a successful press conference.  They have to be at their best. They can't force anything. They have to put Henrik Lundqvist to work. A fast start would be huge. 

"I don't think we exactly look at it (as a big moment for the franchise)," Crosby said. "We didn't help ourselves with the last two games we played. I don't think we look at the whole picture like that. I think we look at (it as) responding. We're looking at this as an opportunity. We worked hard all year to get home ice in the playoffs, and to be home …"

Then the phone rang.

A little more specifically, Malkin brought up the post-Olympic talk Crosby had with him as an example of their friendship, and said the two were excited to play on a line together on Tuesday night.

That's not a guarantee, though. Malkin has six goals in seven games in that arrangement; Crosby has one, and it game on a stretch pass from defenseman Robert Bortuzzo. James Neal, Malkin's usual winger, has also suffered without him.

"If we're put together, we know we have to create things," Crosby said. "If we're not, we still have to create things."

Crosby didn't bite on a question aimed at getting him to talk about the postgame chippiness in Game 6; he won't be fined for jamming his stick between Dom Moore's legs or tripping Dan Girardi; Lundqvist won't be fined for squirting him with a water bottle. "We're talking about it now because we lost the last two games," Crosby said. "If we would've won, we wouldn't be talking about it."

He did also touch a little on his postgame talk with owner/Hall of Fame/ex-landlord Mario Lemieux: "I don't think there was anything different there, but definitely he's got a pretty good understanding of dealing with the pressure and things like that. But I think if anyone understands, sometimes it's nice to just not have to talk about it at all."

On Tuesday, he had to talk about it — a little, at least.