While Star Citizen has never been particularly shy about adding star-faring vessels to the mix, its terrestrial traversal options have been comparatively limited. The HoverQuad was launched to fill this niche a bit, with the vehicle’s focus being purely to get its driver from point A to point B in record time.

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Presented as a Consolidated Outland product, the HoverQuad was first shown off at CitizenCon 2021, only for it to come out as part of the 2022 Coramor festivities, which are effectively an in-game stand-in for Valentine’s Day. Even the HoverQuad reveal trailer has a romantic quality to it, and it’s not all that dissimilar to the various real-world automotive commercials. The release of the HoverQuad was presumably made possible thanks to Star Citizen’s update 3.10, which delivered significant improvements to the physics engine, among other novelties.

The HoverQuad is now available for purchase for $25, with no apparent option to get it via in-game currency. This means it’s not the most expensive vehicle in Star Citizen, but players who were hoping to get it with in-game currency may be disappointed all the same. It’s also worth pointing out that the vehicle has five different color schemes to choose from, each of which is priced differently.

As should be obvious from the trailer, the HoverQuad is not a combat vehicle. It has no weaponry and no shielding, and it’s also got no cargo capacity to speak of. At the same time, it’s fast and handles remarkably well, and seems to fulfill the role of a joyriding option, rather than something that would come in handy during combat scenarios or some such. Since Star Citizen hit another crowdfunding milestone not long ago, however, it wouldn’t be odd to see similar vehicles with combat roles in the future.

Of course, the HoverQuad is just a small piece of the puzzle for the game, as Star Citizen’s development cycle is massively inflated by now. Long-lasting fans may, however, be thrilled by the idea of finally getting a wider variety of ground vehicles to choose from. Admittedly, having a HoverQuad in the back of the Nomad VTOL is a really cool idea, and even more exciting traversal options are sure to be coming.

Star Citizen is currently under active development on PC.

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