During Nintendo Direct, Miyamoto introduced the game himself. Star Fox Guard is actually the finished game of a concept/tech demo Miyamoto showed at E3 two years ago called ‘Project Guard.’ It looks like development continued on ‘Project Guard’ over the years and at some point it became a Star Fox game. The game appears to be a type of Tower Defense game and, as Miyamoto explained, centers around Star Fox character Slippy Toad and his (newly introduced) uncle Grippy:

Miyamoto said there are about 100 missions in the game to complete. Beyond that, there is a multiplayer component, which sounds similar in concept to Wii U’s Mario Maker. It allows players to create their own stages that can be uploaded for others to play. It appears that there is a kind of level editor that allows players to edit enemy placements and patterns to create a custom mission, which can then be uploaded for other players. Miyamoto mentioned that the game features rare metals that would allow “new ways” to play the game, which are earned by uploading stages and playing stages uploaded by other players.

Star Fox Guard’s official page on Nintendo.com may explain the game best:

Star Fox Guard will launch alongside Star Fox Zero on Wii U on April 22, 2016. It will be downloadable as a standalone title from the Nintendo eShop for $14.99, or it can be purchased in a bundle package with Star Fox Zero called the First Print Edition. The price for that bundle has yet to be announced.

What do you think of Star Fox Guard? Will you pick it up?

Source: IGN