Star Trek is a science fiction franchise that covers multiple TV series, movies, games, and merchandising, which all kicked off with the iconic Star Trek series in the 1960s. The show chronicled the adventures of the USS Enterprise and its crew, who represent the United Federation of Planets with the charge “to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.” The franchise is now a cultural icon, ranking high on the list of sci-fi shows set in the 23rd century, which is a surprisingly extensive list.

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During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Takei, who played Enterprise helmsman Hikaru Sulu in the ever-political original science fiction series and several subsequent movies, spoke out again against former co-star and perpetual rival Shatner after the latter made some comments about him during an interview with The Times. “Sixty years after some incident, they are still on that track. Don’t you think that’s a little weird? It’s like a sickness. I began to understand that they were doing it for publicity,” Shatner said while discussing his reservations about his former castmates before focusing on Takei. “George [Takei] has never stopped blackening my name. These people are bitter and embittered. I have run out of patience with them. Why give credence to people consumed by envy and hate?”

Retorting in an interview with The Graham Norton Show to promote his upcoming musical Allegiance, Takei dismissed Shatner. “When Bill has a book to sell, he needs publicity and accuses us of using him. My subject is more substantial and important,” Takei said. “He is a cantankerous old man and I will not talk about him anymore. I vow that this is the very last time I talk about him.” This supposedly marks the last time Takei will engage in verbal jousting with his longtime rival, who self-admittedly has never watched Star Trek.

While cast members of the original Star Trek series seem unable to reconcile, their contemporaries from the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation recently came together for one more adventure in Picard season 3. While both Takei and Shatner are allowed their reservations, fans would likely be much more pleased with an attitude more in line with those who are still on working terms.

Star Trek (1968) is now available on Netflix.

MORE: Star Trek: Are The Borg Still A Threat After Voyager?

Source: The Graham Norton Show (via Deadline), The Times