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The universe of Star Warsis an infinite expanse of numerous things unfathomable and awe-inspiring, so it would be naive to think that the most imposing menace ever to threaten the balance of everything is the Galactic Empire. In truth, many threats posed a much greater peril to the galaxy far, far away. Such dangers precede or succeed the reign of the Galactic Empire and prove far more catastrophic for many reasons, yet are known only by knowledgable fans. Here are some notably deadlier threats to the galaxy than the Galactic Empire.

5 Abeloth

Abeloth, notoriously known as the Bringer of Chaos, is an exceedingly powerful and dangerous Force-sensitive entity. Yet, before becoming this supreme being, Abeloth — then known as the Mother — was the beloved mortal servant of the Ones, a family of embodiments of the Force. She served them passionately and became a maternal figure, meriting the lineage of godly Force-users to treat her as such. The Ones loved the Mother, considering her their own, yet despite their reverence of her, she was still mortal and susceptible to the inevitability of death. This truth would haunt the Mother as she grew older and closer to her end.

Being the sole keeper of balance between the Ones, the Mother feared that her death would cause her family to fall into ruin, and she so loved them. So, to continue living the life she valued, the Mother would drink from the Font of Power and bathe in the Pool of Knowledge, each a nexus of unfathomable amounts of Force energy. This overwhelming intake of the Force would corrupt her and twist her mind, transforming the Mother into the frightening immortal entity known as Abeloth. She was no longer a compassionate and giving woman but a monster that valued only the galaxy’s destruction, which she attempted and nearly succeeded in doing.

4 Rakghouls

Rakghouls are mutant creatures that form when a virus-like disease known as the Rakghoul Plague infects a person, transforming them into horrific malformed monstrosities. Rakghouls were the creation of the Sith Lord Karness Murr, who utilized an artifact known as the Muur Talisman to turn near anything into these demented creatures using Sith alchemy. Yet, this charm did not affect particular beings such as Force-sensitives and certain alien species, prompting the Sith Lord to engineer the Rakghoul Plague in addition. Through Muur’s machinations, Rakghouls could effortlessly spread and bolster their ranks, becoming a nearly unstoppable force.

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Although similar to the zombie virus known as the Sickness or Project Blackwing, the Rakghoul Plague is unarguably more dangerous due to its versatility. Rakghouls not only boast deadly natural weapons and superior strength, but a rare few possess the intellect to strategize and even utilize weapons such as blasters. Moreover, it only takes a single bite or cut from a Rakghoul to infect a person, allowing them to grow their horde leisurely. The virality and lethality of the Rakghoul Plague is a force to be reckoned with, as it has persisted for numerous years, despite the measures taken against it, and plagued vast regions, like the Undercity of the planet Taris.

3 The Drengir

The Drengir are a sentient amorphous plant-like species with a voracious carnivorous appetite originating from the planet Mulita. These creatures function as a hivemind under the guidance of the Great Progenitor and only desire one thing, meat. The Drengirs’ gluttony of flesh would inspire many to attempt to isolate or destroy them, such as the ancient warrior people called the Amaxine. This past civilization tried to eliminate the Drengir and take their homeworld, but they proved too formidable and cunning, overwhelming the Amaxine and forcing them to retreat. Successfully wiping out these creatures, at least directly, proves near impossible.

The numbers and the collective consciousness of the Drengir allow it to outwit and overtake most foes in a battle of attrition. Moreover, these creatures possess impressive regenerative capabilities and formidability, being impervious to blaster fire and can even survive getting cut in two by a lightsaber. The most dangerous power of the Drengir, however, is their ability to compel those susceptible to the Dark Side of the Force to join their hivemind. Therefore, they could bolster their ranks with Force-users, further increasing their capabilities. The Drengir have wrought much ruin everywhere they have gone, leaving a substantial loss of life in their wake.

2 The Sith Triumvirate

The Sith Triumvirate was a loose alliance of Sith led by three feared and venerable masters of the Dark Side: Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal; Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger; and Darth Scion, Lord of Pain. These three Sith Lords gathered to finally extinguish the Jedi Order and any others that opposed them. Although the alliance was tenuous and somewhat adversarial, chiefly due to conflicting ideologies and beliefs, the Sith Triumvirate accomplished much during its reign. Together yet divided, they saw the near-complete annihilation of the Jedi Order and the destruction of countless adversaries of the Sith.

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The greatest danger of the Sith Triumvirate was not the alliance itself but the Sith Lords that oversaw it. Darth Nihilus and Darth Scion were living Wounds in the Force, catastrophic disruptions or weaknesses in the Force, leaving a corrupting dreadfulness in their wake. Their mere existence would cause untold destruction, death, and suffering, which could taint even the purest of individuals. Meanwhile, Darth Traya sought out Wounds in the Force, seeking to use them to her advantage in a plot to destroy the Force itself. The danger these three Sith Lords pose is unprecedented, as the imbalances they cause in the Force are too significant.

1 The Yuuzhan Vong

The Yuuzhan Vong, or the Children of Yun-Yuuzhan, are an extra-galactic sentient species of nomadic and masochistic aliens. They originated outside the known galaxy from the planet Yuuzhan’tar and held ideals that none outside of their ranks could understand. Being religious zealots of their deities — the Yun’o — the Yuuzhan Vong believed themselves to be superior beings to all else and the dictators of their gods’ will. They invaded the known galaxy at the behest of their priests, who claimed that this portion of the universe was to be their new home. This claim, alongside the Yuuzhan Vong’s anti-machine beliefs, led to a cataclysmic galaxy-wide war.

The Yuuzhan Vong were deadly adversaries for numerous reasons, the most prominent being their utterly exotic nature. They relied on purely organic technologies, enjoyed pain to the extent of masochism, and were undetectable by the Force. These qualities made the Yuuzhan Vong a threat that none could counteract effectively, leaving the galaxy at their mercy. Moreover, the Yuuzhan Vong did not fear death and, in truth, revered it, which granted them an edge against those they invaded. These strange and deadly qualities caused an otherwise typical galaxy-wide war to be something more akin to an apocalypse as the Yuuzhan Vong cut their way from planet to planet.

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