Ezra Bridger, for those who don’t know, was introduced in the animated Star Wars Rebels series, which ended with his fate left in the air. Ahsoka went searching for him, so her continuing quest to find the missing Jedi padawan could be the focus of the upcoming Ahsoka series.

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Ahsoka will be a live-action series just like The Mandalorian, and many fans are enjoying seeing the character transition from being animated to now being in the live-action format. The Ahsoka series will carry the grounded action from The Mandalorian into its own storytelling. If Bridger were to actually return, then fans shouldn’t expect him to be in the happiest of conditions. Regardless, people are pointing to rumors suggesting Aladdin star Massoud will be the one who plays the character in what would be his live-action debut if the speculation is true.

In an interview with Screen Rant, Massoud sat down and discussed the social media post where he was putting his name out in the open to be cast in the role of Ezra Bridger. When asked about his post, the actor straddled the fence by not confirming nor denying his involvement, which caused fans to wonder if the actor was actually cast or not. Massoud went on to say, “Yeah. Just manifesting, just manifesting, trying different things. Yeah, there’s not much more I can say about that, but, you know, I had heard murmurings that this role was coming up and this is becoming a real thing. So I just kinda wanted to throw my name in the ring and – yeah, just part of manifesting what you want.”

It would be cool to see the actor get a shot at a big role such as this. Massoud was thrown into the spotlight with Disney’s live-action Aladdin remake, but not much was heard from him afterward. The actor has been busy but he is building his career up with projects much smaller in comparison to Aladdin.

Massoud may have to go back down to square one in order to add more films to his resume before another studio gives him a shot at a big role again. On the other hand, he may just have to wait for the right opportunity at the right time. If there’s any truth to this Star Wars rumor, then Massoud will get a lot more fans.

Star Wars: Ahsoka is currently in development.

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Source: Screen Rant