When these characters take to the battlefield, victory is near. For their opposition, not for them. Granted, some may have their uses, and have made this list not for poor performance, but for not quite reaching the heights of the true heroes. Meanwhile, others on this list are a bit of a disaster.

10 Han Solo

Han Solo barely makes it onto this list, and he isn’t here because he is useless in battle. Rather, he just doesn’t quite reach the heights of the best heroes and villains that Star Wars Battlefront 2 has to offer.

In battle, Han can prove devastating up close, but if some distance is between himself and the enemy, his damage output can drop considerably. Whereas, Leia Organa can dish out pain both at range and in close. In terms of abilities, Solo has a detonating charge that can be set off at will, while being a sharpshooter gives his gun a rapid-fire mode. Finally, his shoulder charge can knock over the first enemy he hits, leading to danger should the enemies squad up.

9 Luke Skywalker

In a similar fashion Han, Luke has made the list due to there being better lightsaber wielders out there. However, that is not to say that young Skywalker is not a good choice in battle. On the contrary, he is the perfect choice for a beginner.

But, therein lies the problem. He is a good choice for a rookie player, while he trails behind Yoda and Rey when it comes to experienced battlefront players. In terms of his abilities, Luke can push enemies away, which can prove great for crowd control. However, other Jedi and Sith have similar skills that cause more damage.

Finally, Skywalker has rush and repulse abilities which increase his speed movement and cause damage, respectively.

8 Chewbacca

While Chewbacca isn’t the worst, he certainly isn’t the best. Chewbacca uses his crossbow as his primary weapon, which can deal with some good damage, particularly when used at full power. However, when compared to other shooters, he is lacking.

Through his abilities, Chewbacca can use his crossbow at full power without the need to recharge. He may also perform a charge slam to knock down nearby enemies. The Wookie also has shock grenades to stun the opposition.

7 Bossk

A glorified bounty hunter, Bossk doesn’t quite reach Boba Fett’s heights, who managed to avoid a spot on this list. Equipped with a gun, Bossk is designed to attack his foes at range, with proximity mines at his disposal.

Moreover, he has a grenade that emits poisonous gas. However, it is relatively easy for the enemy to avoid the gas, meaning Bossk has one of the worst grenades at his disposal. There are certainly better options for the battlefield. Finally, the bounty hunter can use heat vision and increase his strength for a short period of time.

If one needs a bounty hunter, then perhaps it would be best to give Boba a call.

6 Obi-Wan Kenobi

How disappointing. Obi-Wan Kenobi is an incredible Jedi, one that would certainly rank relatively high based on the movies. However, that has not transitioned well to Star Wars Battlefront 2.

As with any Sith or Jedi, Obi-Wan can deflect lasers. However, that is where the similarities end as his other abilities leave much to be desired. Especially when you consider how powerful Kenobi is, admittedly, his restrictive mind trick can prove useful in preventing skills being used. Yet, this will not do too much against a villain. They can still cause considerable damage, regardless of ability use.

The Jedi also has an all-out push ability, yet this can be seen with other characters, who quite frankly cause more devastation with it. Finally, his defensive rush can be described as either brave or stupid. It depends on whether or not the end result is Kenobi’s fall.

5 Anakin Skywalker

To think, Anakin Skywalker is less than impressive, yet when he embraces the dark side, he becomes the most formidable foe in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Darth Vader is far superior to his former self. So, it is unsurprising that Skywalker chose a darker path, who wouldn’t want immense power after all.

When it comes to abilities, the effectiveness comes down to those around him. Should allies be attacked, his damage will rise. When using heroic might, the ability’s effectiveness is based upon the damage he would be susceptible to should his foe attack him.

However, Anakin can pull his enemy towards him. An effective move, assuming it is not Darth Maul, General Grievous or Count Dooku that he is putting in his own way.

4 Iden Versio

In essence, Iden Versio is a glorified Storm Trooper. Sure, it is fun to play as her in the Star Wars Battlefront 2 campaign, and she is an interesting character. However, being intriguing does not make a character powerful.

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Naturally, Versio is best compared to Captain Phasma, who happens to be one of the best villains in the game. Iden’s abilities are fairly simple. She has a shield; this will not hold for long should a green, blue, or even orange lightsaber come her way. Then her droid is able to stun with the enemy, which can chain and finally, she has a pulse cannon for damage at a distance.

Iden Versio is a good introduction to a gunnery character, though she has little offer beyond that.

3 BB-8

The sequel trilogy robot is cute. Undeniably, BB-8 would be a serious contender for the best robot in the Star Wars movies. However, this has not transitioned well into Star Wars Battlefront 2.

In terms of abilities, BB-8 has a rolling charge which will knock down and damage the first enemy to get in his way. However, should the small robot charge into a larger group, with his small health pool, the little guy will not last long. To defend himself, BB-8 can use cable spin, though he needs to be in close for this ability to make an impact.

Finally, the robot can scramble enemy radars whilst revealing their whereabouts to himself and his allies. In essence, he is a supporting character and is capable of healing friends that are around him. In the right hands, this small robot could prove useful, but he will not pose much of a threat on his own.

2 BB-9E

The dark side robot suffers the same fate as BB-8, in that when used right, he is great support. However, this little guy will not survive for long on his own.

Unlike his light side counterpart, BB-9E has a smokescreen that both blocks enemy view and reveals their location. This can be capitalized with shock spin, but the robot must be enclosed for it to work. Unsurprisingly, this is not a viable option against many light side heroes, though it could cull the herd of regular foes.

Finally, BB-9E can prevent his allies’ guns from overheating. It can be helpful,m assuming his friends are a good shot. Otherwise, it is a waste of an ability slot.

1 Finn

He wasn’t the star of the sequel trilogy, so it should come as no surprise that Finn is not a star in Star Wars Battlefront 2.

One of his abilities is deadeye, which makes him hone in on one enemy, best making those shots count. Hard to see the benefit of this, given many other heroes and villains with guns can wipe several enemies in seconds. Meanwhile, Finn is shooting at one, at least he’s diligent. Secondly, Finn likes to think of himself as a big deal, by increasing health and damage output, though this depends on allies being around him. If one must choose between being near Finn or Rey, well, good luck Finn!

Next: Every Reason to Play Star Wars Battlefront 2 in 2021