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Battlefront II made one of the most improbable comebacks in video game launch history, and Star Wars lovers have a great game to play for the foreseeable future. After a number of content updates and promotions, Battlefront II players have 20 maps to explore. There are a few galactic assault maps that nearly all players love, and a few that are just not designed well for the game mode.

10 BEST: Endor

Endor has a great nostalgia factor for players who loved the original Star Wars trilogy and the first two Battlefront games. The initial phase is fun, and almost every lobby will make it to phases II and III. The map has several different flanking locations, and players can get massive kill streaks in phase II. Endor is one of the iconic maps in the franchise, and unquestionably one of the better galactic assault maps in Battlefront II.

9 WORST: Takodana

In Galactic Assault, matches in Takodana are often over in less than 5 minutes. The Ovissian gunner is extremely effective against AT-STs, and the matches will rarely get past the first phase of the game.

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Players will struggle to unlock heroes or even get enough battle points to use reinforcements. While the map has been refreshed with new reinforcement classes, matches end too quickly. Dice did a good job improving the galactic assault maps overall, but Takodana still needs some balancing.

8 BEST: Kashyyyk

The MTT almost never goes down in phase I, and players will almost always have a chance to earn a hero on Kashyyyk. Phases II and III are extremely fun, and there are no imbalances on the map. There are seemingly no downsides to playing the map, as players should enjoy the gameplay from the moment they choose which infantry class to use.

7 WORST: Jakku

Like Takodana, matches on Jakku are still far too short. By adding the AT-ST, Dice balanced the map slightly more, but the games still end in the first two phases. The Resistance always has the advantage on Jakku due to the way the map was designed. Resistance snipers can sit at the top of the map and take out enemies with ease. Players that enjoy using the specialist or long-range assault blasters will enjoy certain aspects of the map. The Empire usually struggles to push toward the Resistance, however, and the Resistance will win the majority of matches.

6 BEST: Kamino

Kamino is a wide-open map with hordes of players in congested areas. Players can have success with every class on the map, as it has long sightlines and condensed objectives. Kamino is one of the most balanced maps, and players will rarely get trapped in the phase I spawn. The map looks amazing as well, with waves and rain that are a convincing representation of the fictional planet. Players are transported into the clone wars, on a dark and dreary ocean world. Kamino is one of the best maps in the game, as well as one of the best in the Battlefront franchise.

5 WORST: Geonosis

Dice did an amazing job on the aesthetics of the map, and there are a variety of ways to play it. The main issue with Geonosis is that the Republic has an advantage in every match. To win, the droids need to have competent and cooperative players, which can be rare in galactic assault. Geonosis does allow players an opportunity to use different vehicles and fight at several ranges, however. Unfortunately, Geononis will be dominated by the Republic more times than not.

4 BEST: Death Star Two

Almost every fight on Death Star Two will be a close-quarters engagement. Players that can get a hero or villain will be nearly invincible on the map. Death Star Two is incredible for players that enjoy lightsaber duels and combat. The map is also great for players who like to take down enemies as a heavy or assault infantry.

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Death Star Two is also one of the better maps for beginners to improve on. The consistent point-blank gunfights will help new players refine their aim and tactics. After Phase I, there are a few longer sightlines on the map, but players can push through hallways and corridors if they choose.

3 WORST: Tatooine

Tatooine is not the worst map in the game, but there are a handful of maps that are better. The gameplay on Tatooine as infantry, reinforcements, and heroes is enjoyable, but phase III can end quite fast. It is much easier to play the map as the Empire because the Rebels have to dismantle the AT-STs to win. The map looks great, but it is hard for the desolate map to compete with Naboo or Endor. Players can still have a good experience on the map, but there are far better maps in the game.

2 BEST: Naboo

Naboo has been one of the best maps in Battlefront II since the game’s launch. Every phase on Naboo is enjoyable for players of all skill levels. The map showcases everything that is great about Battlefront II. Players can use any class, reinforcement, or hero and still enjoy the experience. Players can also experiment with longer-ranged blasters due to the expansive design of the map. Battlefront II players are put in a position where they have to constantly fight to win a match on Naboo. The last Phase on Naboo feels like a real battlefront, and players will relish in the chaos of the map.

1 WORST: Crait

Matches on Crait are usually long enough for players to appreciate the map, but Crait can really only be played as a specialist. Players can fight in the tunnels, but there will be some lobbies that get lost in the corners of the tunnel systems. Phase II is good as well, but the fact that players are limited to using a sniper makes the map one of the five worst in the game. Crait is essentially trench warfare in phase I, and players will have trouble using the assault and officer classes.

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