Star Wars Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, and EA Sports UFC 2 have all been released within the last year, so early adopters of the games may be a little upset that they’re being added to the vault already. However, gamers should be used to this by now, as EA has been consistently adding new games to EA Access Vault, sometimes just six months after the titles hit store shelves.

At this point, it may make more sense for someone that frequently buys EA games to subscribe to EA Access and stop buying the games as soon as they release. If someone were to purchase Battlefront, the Mirror’s Edge prequel, and EA Sports UFC 2 at launch, that would run around $180, versus the $30 a year fee to have access to all of the games before 2016 comes to a close.

The downside to only getting EA games through EA Access is that it’s impossible to say when exactly a game will be added. If one bought into the significant Star Wars Battlefront hype last year, they may have found it difficult to wait for the game to be added to the service. Of course, a possible solution is for fans to purchase EA games, and then later sell them once they become available through EA Access.

PC gamers subscribed to the similar Origins Access service, meanwhile, don’t seem be getting an equivalent value. It’s true that Origins Access subscribers enjoy many of the same perks as those that have EA Access on Xbox One, but it doesn’t have quite as many games. As of the time of this writing, Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, and EA Sports UFC 2 are only confirmed for the EA Access Vault, and there’s no word on when the games will be making their way to Origins Access, if at all.

PS4 gamers are also missing out on the service. Sony passed on EA Access, believing that it didn’t provide a good value, though some have surmised that the real reason was to avoid competition with its PlayStation Now streaming service. Regardless of why EA Access isn’t on PS4, PlayStation fans may want to see Sony change it mind soon, because when Star Wars Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, and EA Sports UFC 2 hits EA Access on Xbox One, it will be even more enticing to consumers.

Star Wars Battlefront is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: EA Access