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Few forces rival Darth Vader in the Star Wars universe. Though his physical appearance is the first to strike fear in his opponents, his utilization of language can emotionally decimate those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end. Darth Vader primarily uses his haunting voice to intimidate his foes, resulting in some of the best lines in the series.

10 “You Are Part Of The Rebel Alliance And A Traitor. Take Her Away.”

Upon boarding the Tantive 4, Darth Vader interrogates several rebels before encountering Princess Leia. Leia explains that she has no connection to the Rebel Alliance and that she has been tasked with a diplomatic mission instead. Vader immediately deduces this deceit and commands for her to be taken away.

Being one of Vader’s first lines in the series, it cements him as a vicious beast on a mission. He has no patience for lies or deception and will stop at nothing to halt the Rebellion’s plot to dismantle the Empire.

9 “We Would Be Honored If You Would Join Us.”

Though Vader can easily tell when he is being deceived, he also tends to use the same deceitful methods for his own gain. When Lando Calrissian is tasked by Vader to lure Han Solo to Cloud City, he does so primarily out of fear. Lando promises Han a haven, but Vader’s manipulative nature lurks in the shadows.

Lando invites Han to dinner, only to reveal that Vader is waiting in the dining room. He uses the Force to disarm Han before stating “We would be honored if you would join us.” Vader’s choice of words here implies that he is fond of conducting evil while incorporating his unique style of humor.

8 “You Don’t Know The Power Of The Dark Side.”

Luke confronts Vader on the planet of Endor in an attempt to convince him to reject his allegiances to the Emperor. He reminds Vader of his history as Anakin Skywalker, to which Vader responds “You don’t know the power of the Dark Side.”

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This line marks the first instance where Vader conveys a feeling of sadness. It is clear through the phrasing of this line that Vader believes he has fallen too deep into the Emperor’s clutches and that there is no escape for him. The subtlety of this line permits Vader to showcase his fears and doubts, feelings he would never display normally.

7 “I Couldn’t Have. She Was Alive. I Felt It.”

Vader begins his descent into the Dark Side solely in the hope of protecting his wife, Padme. Padme confronts Anakin regarding his shift in allegiances, but Anakin dismisses her concerns. Once he notices Obi-Wan has traveled with her, he uses the Force to choke Padme until she falls unconscious.

Padme later dies after giving birth to Luke and Leia, but the Emperor informs Vader that she died because of him. Having pursued the Dark Side with the primary goal of saving Padme’s life, Vader’s rage becomes untethered knowing that it was he who ended her life. This line contains the most emotion Vader has ever expressed.

6 “Be Careful Not To Choke On Your Aspirations, Director.”

During the construction of the Death Star, Director Krennic believes that he is not receiving the proper recognition he deserves. He confronts Vader regarding the confusion, but Vader has little interest in humoring Krennic’s lust for fame.

He asks Vader if he will still be permitted to command the battle station once it is operational and Vader replies by using the Force to crush his throat. This line highlights Vader’s willingness to display his power in any given scenario to intimidate both his enemies and peers.

5 “I Am Altering The Deal. Pray, I Don’t Alter It Any Further.”

One of Vader’s most iconic lines in the series is seen in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back during his time in Cloud City. Upon learning that Vader intends to bring Princess Leia with him on his ship, Lando reminds the Sith Lord that that was not the original plan they agreed on.

Leia was originally supposed to stay in Cloud City under Lando’s supervision, but Vader decided to change his plans. He informs Lando that he has “altered the deal,” to which there is nothing Lando can respond with to change his mind. Vader’s power permits him to say and do whatever he pleases.

4 “When I Left You I Was But The Learner, Now I Am The Master.”

This line becomes much more powerful given the context provided in the prequel trilogy. Obi-Wan practically raised Anakin by training him as a Jedi. He acted as a father figure to him while also regarding him as a brother, but the Dark Side’s influence ruined their relationship.

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This line allows the former Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, to reference their experiences together, while also diminishing Obi-Wan’s power. Given the power he now possesses, Vader has become arrogant. Though Obi-Wan is the more experienced Jedi, Darth Vader’s power in the Dark Side is far greater than that of his former master.

3 “I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.”

The first instance of Force usage in Star Wars is seen in Star Wars: A New Hope when Vader’s power is being questioned. He is told that the Force is no longer required in a universe where the Empire reigns supreme as the Jedi Order was nothing more than a collection of cultists.

Vader responds to this assumption by using the Force to choke the throat of his accuser, before being told to release him. The line “I find your lack of faith disturbing” highlights Vader’s reliance on the Force and the abilities it permits him to use. By utilizing the force while conveying these words, Vader demonstrates that the Force is still the most powerful entity in the galaxy.

2 “I Am What You Made Me.”

For ten years after the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan believed that his former apprentice, Anakin, had died during their battle on Mustafar. He eventually learns that Anakin survived this battle, but he is not made aware of his quality of life.

His first encounter with Vader since Order 66 sees Obi-Wan finally discovering what became of his younger Padawan. He asks “What have you become?” to which Vader responds “I am what you made me.” This response highlights that, though Anakin is the result of his own actions, he believes Obi-Wan is the sole reason he became what he is.

1 “No, I Am Your Father.”

Perhaps the most iconic line in Star Wars is seen during Luke’s confrontation with Vader in Cloud City. Upon besting Luke in lightsaber combat, Vader attempts to convince Luke to join the Dark Side. Luke refuses to join Vader, claiming that he would never join someone who killed his father.

Vader denies this accusation by firmly stating “No, I am your father.” This revelation shocked fans of the series, but many remained skeptical due to Vader’s habit of deception. Vader is confirmed to be Luke’s father in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, marking this line one of the few times Vader spoke truthfully to one of his enemies.

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