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In the trailer for the third season of The Mandalorian, fans get to see a glimpse of what is to come, and the latest adventures for Din Djarin and “Baby Yoda” aka Grogu. Even in such a short teaser trailer, there are plenty of easter eggs to dissect and enjoy.

9 New Hovering Pram

One of the first easter eggs seen in the trailer for The Mandalorian Season 3 is Grogu’s new and updated hovering pram. Audiences first saw Grogu in his hovering pram, but it seems that Din Djarin has happily splashed some cash so his adoptive son can cruise around the galaxy far, far away in style.

This new hovering pram is different from the original model and features a more metallic and dark chrome look. Perhaps audiences will see it in action, as it may be made of Beskar to further protect Grogu under blaster fire.

8 Babu Frik

The Mandalorian continues to connect the divisive tethers of the sequel trilogy, as it introduces a character seen in Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker. Babu Frik was a small character seen in the film, who now appears in The Mandalorian Season 3, a show set years before the events of Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens.

Babu Frik is an extremely small creature that works as a droidsmith amongst the Spice Runners of Kijimi. His skills have yet to be truly scene, and his antics with Grogu could be a lot of fun to witness.

7 Queen Bo-Katan

Bo-Katan Kryze has gone through quite the journey in the Star Wars franchise. She originated as a lieutenant in the Death Watch terrorist group on Mandalore but soon saw the error in her wars after the death of her sister, the ruler of Mandalore, Duchess Satine. Since then, Bo-Katan has led a group of surviving Mandalorians and objected to the cult ideology around Mandalorians and their helmets.

Fans get to see Bo-Katan return in the Season 3 trailer, this time on the throne of the ruins of Mandalore. Bo-Katan still rules over whatever is left of the Empire-ravished planet, but without the right of the Darksaber in possession of Din Djarin.

6 More Mandalorians

There was a dedicated Mandalorian cult thanks to the Death Watch, who gave young and orphaned children another chance at life as Foundlings. It seems as if there are more Mandalorians than both Grogu and Din Djarin thought, as the Armorer and Pas Vizsla are not the only surviving members. In the trailer, Din Djarin encounters a colorful group of Mandalorians, all with unique helmets.

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It’s yet to be seen what these Mandalorians do, but if they are anything like Death Watch, then they are sure to be a great threat to those that challenge them or have bounties on their heads. Considering Mandalorians are a dysfunctional family, seeing Din Djarin reunite could be rather tense.

5 Prospering Nevarro

Once again audiences are set to return to the planet Nevarro. This planet is affiliated with the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, and in Season 1, seemed like a new hive of scum and villainy. However, after the fall of the Empire, and a renowned sense of purpose, Greef Karga seems to be paving the way for a prosperous Nevarro.

Nevarro seems like it’s cleaned up its act, and the planet is rather friendly in appearance, complete with brimming and proud life, as well as beautiful paradise architecture. Nevarro’s return is great for Mandalorian fans and shows the progress of a world resuming.

4 The Ruins Of Mandalore

Since Din Djarin committed the ultimate sin of removing his helmet for others to see, he has become disgraced and is no longer a Mandalorian in the eyes of his brothers and sisters. To redeem himself, he must travel to the Living Waters, beneath the mines of Mandalore. This journey will be a deadly trial for Din Djarin, as there are far too many dangers along the way to count.

In the trailer, fans see Din Djarin begin his journey to the ruins of Mandalore, a planet that audiences have seen destroyed before in flashbacks. The aftermath is sure to be disastrous, and emotional for other Mandalorians to witness.

3 Weequay Pirates

Star Wars is ripe with pirates traveling through hyperspace for loot and bounty. There is perhaps no group more famous, or perhaps infamous, than that of the Weequay Pirates, led by none other than Hondo Ohnaka. These pirates have seen plenty of action during the Clone Wars, including Count Dooku and Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ezra Bridger.

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It’s brief, but it appears that the Weequay Pirates are set to return in the Star Wars universe, thanks to The Mandalorian Season 3. There could be some great pirate space battles, as well as a lot of laughs and betrayals if Hondo Ohnaka is involved.

2 Kowakian Monkey-Lizards

These semi-sentient reptilian creatures may be famed as underworld pets, more famously with Jabba the Hutt’s court jester, Salacious B. Crumb. They’re gross to look at, with extremely annoying laughs. In The Mandalorian Season 3 trailer, these Kowakian Monkey-Lizards are seen looking down at people from a tropical tree.

It’s a fun easter egg to one of Star Wars’ most annoying species of creatures. Hopefully this time, they don’t try and peck anyone’s eye out. The group’s shrill laughter will be as annoying as it comes, and fans will have to wait and see what they do in the show.

1 Companion R5-D4

The world of Star Wars would be a lot different if Uncle Owen and Luke Skywalker bought R5-D4 instead of R2-D2. Thankfully, R5 broke down and returned to the Jawa group. What could have been the end of R5’s story, was only the beginning, as R5 is set to return for The Mandalorian Season 3.

Not just as a cameo, but R5-D4 has been seen in the cockpit of Din Djarin’s ship, helping him battle in space dogfights. This could be the beginning of R5’s redemption story and show just how effective of a droid R5 will be.

The Mandalorian Season 3 is set to debut on Disney Plus in 2023.

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