It is through Cere’s mentorship and guidance that Cal is able to reconnect with the Force after the loss of his master Jaro Tapal. Though Cere has severed her connection to the Force, she helps Cal through meditation and to focus on healing the trauma of his past. This puts the former Jedi Knight close to being a Master, teaching Cal all that she knows and helping Cal’s rise to Jedi Knight, even though she herself no longer uses the Force. While Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order never officially gives her the title, it is one that seems to fit after her journey alongside Cal.

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Is Cere Considered A Jedi Master?

Acknowledging Cere’s role as a Jedi Master could be precarious to her situation in a future game. After the fall of the Republic, many stories told about Jedi Masters end with their deaths. In the original trilogy, both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda die as prime examples. While this mechanic in Star Wars storytelling can be useful, it also makes the loss of fan favorite characters inevitable. Finding a workaround for Cere’s character in a sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order could be important in keeping fans invested in the whole casts wellbeing.

With Star Wars as a series built on hope, it would make sense to keep fans invested in characters that continue to persevere despite the immeasurable odds that are against them. Players were shown through Cere’s cutscenes in the original game that she was capable of incredible power. Her connection to both the Light and Dark side of the Force was so strong that it impressed Darth Vader. While the natural choice may feel like it should be to show Cere’s fall to the Dark side, her character’s arc may be better crafted around how she interacts with both sides of the force.

This could push her further away from the role as master and into the role as student once again. With the Mantis as a home to three different Force sensitive individuals, one of whom is familiar with a completely unique Force style, there is a ton of opportunity for growth. Cal, Cere, and Merrin could all develop relationships around each other’s own uses of the force and move past the dark times of Star Wars. This would, of course, require Cere to first reconnect to the Force, but it could also allow for players to learn new Force skills while expanding what is possible within the canon.

Introducing Gray Jedi

A change to how the Force is wielded by the team aboard the Mantis could also open doors to a type of Jedi that has long been discussed but could still be better explored in Star Wars Canon. Gray Jedi are not a new concept to the Star Wars universe or fans of the franchise. While they have been mentioned in some way in previous titles, or hinted at, a definitive revelation of Gray Jedi is yet to happen. This could be done by introducing the concept more thoroughly through Star Wars games like a sequel to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order.

The Gray Jedi have been explained, most commonly, in two major ways that are dependent on their views and relationship to other Jedi. Either as Jedi that do not strictly align with the Jedi Order as closely as the Jedi Council would like, or as Force users that have explored both the Light and Dark sides of the Force. While there have been Jedi that deviated from the Jedi Council and its wishes, most notably Ahsoka Tano and Qui-Gon Jinn, the exploration of Jedi that can use both the Light and Dark sides of the Force has not been plentiful in canon. Most often when Jedi have used the Dark side of the Force, they have fallen to its temptations. Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, and Taron Malicos were all seduced by the Dark side, though all three originally studied the ways of the Jedi.

With the amicable relationship that Merrin has formed with the Mantis crew along with Cere’s latent potential in the Dark side, a Jedi: Fallen Order sequel could form Cal or Cere into Gray Jedi. A story focused on this could still carry all the teachings and ideology of the Jedi but also leave the choice up to the players in some way. The Dark side is filled with some of the most visually impressive Force abilities, albeit the evilest ones as well, and could greatly benefit the franchise with this aspect of choice.

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Expanding the Star Wars Canon

By keeping Cere in the role of teacher as well as opening up new abilities for Cal to learn in Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2 could allow her to survive, unlike other masters, without being wall-flowered. It would be a waste for Cere’s character to be tossed to the side just because it fits with how Jedi Masters have been treated in past titles. At the same time, players have already seen that Cal, Cere, and Merrin all went through incredible traumas. The approach of the Gray Jedi would offer more to players and the characters while providing innumerable possibilities. There is no need that the Gray Jedi role only use the Dark side as the Sith understand it.

With the way that the Star Wars franchise is rapidly expanding, there’s a lot that could be experimented with in a Jedi: Fallen Order sequel. The Mandalorian series showed fans that there is much more out in the galaxy than the Skywalker Saga was able to introduce. With the major role that video games have begun to play in media, a new story around different Jedi capabilities could be a great tie in. It is unlikely that a sequel would influence the franchise as a whole but if it is well received it could serve as a steppingstone into what’s to come for Star Wars Canon.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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