A lot of the Star Wars media that fans have engaged with over the decades has been distinctly focused on the humans in the galaxy far, far, away. As incredible as it has been to see The Skywalker Saga play out through the lives of Anakin, Leia, Luke, and Rey it is time for the series to expand its choice of protagonists. One of the best ways to do that is to have the next Star Wars game feature an alien protagonist. With a Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order sequel is currently the fan-favorite for a future release it could be the perfect game to do so.

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Merrin In Jedi: Fallen Order 2

While many fans might feel attached to Cal Kestis and the Mantis crew replacing him doesn’t necessarily mean that he has to be removed from Jedi: Fallen Order’s sequel story. If Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s original cast was to be used in the next game there is already a way to adapt a character to fill Cal’s role. Merrin has been seen as a likely candidate for many after her role in the first Jedi: Fallen Order.

While the Zabrak Nightsister looks remarkably human in the game many Star Wars fans will know her to be part of the same species that other Dathomirian natives belonged to. Asajj Ventress, Darth Maul, and Savage Opress all belong to the same Zabrak species as Merrin and were all Force-sensitive individuals. While each of these characters has been notable members of the Dark Side, and the Sith, there is precedent for Merrin to break away and be both a Light Side user and a Jedi. The Jedi Masters Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar were also Zabrak and high-ranking Jedi that resided on the Jedi High Council.

Adapting Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 around Merrin could also help her on her journey of self-discovery and salvation. The first game’s story was heavily focused on Cal and the trauma of the Great Purge, but the Jedi were not the only victims at the hands of the Sith. The Nightsisters of Dathomir were rendered all but extinct when Darth Tyrannus, also known as Count Dooku, laid waster to their community during the Clone Wars. The remnants of the Nightsisters are now seen in Merrin and her ability to use the most powerful techniques involved with their magick.

Former Jedi Masters

Merrin and the Zabrak are just a couple of the options when it comes to expanding the different species that players can be in Jedi: Fallen Order 2. While it would be nice to keep the focus on Cal and the Mantis crew there are notable characters in the Star Wars Canon that are believed to have survived Order 66. Jedi Masters Oppo Rancisis and Cole Kcaj are two such examples. With their incredible power and knowledge, it is hard to believe that both characters have gone relatively untapped in Star Wars.

Their definitively alien features could help to show how distinct and interesting different species in the Star Wars universe can be. This could all still be done while still exploring the life of Jedi after the purge. The Star Wars universe is rich but so often it is told from the perspective of humans, and the next game should skip a human protagonist.

The choice to pass up stories on these unique and interesting characters continues to only offer a narrow view of what the galaxy is. Cal’s Psychometry powers do provide some insight into the past but there are plenty of species in the Star Wars universe that live well past the average human life span. The Wookie are known for their longevity and strength. Several Wookie even became Jedi and the species had a strong relationship with the Republic which is shown clearly during Revenge of the Sith.

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The Ancient Species of Star Wars

On top of this fans now have at least three examples of Yoda’s species joining the Jedi Order. With Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu all having been members at one point. While Grogu, as he was shown in The Mandalorian, might be too young to lead a game Yaddle is about middle-aged for their species. The Jedi took a less prominent role in the Order after the battle of Naboo but she was known by others such as Greez Dritus, the Mantis pilot. Greez even wonders about her while talking to Cal and Cere Junda. Considering Yaddle’s longevity and the lack of confirmation that she is dead there is huge potential for her return.

There are also a lot of what-ifs within the Star Wars Canon, and games have shown to be a great way to explore them. Taking less prominent yet significant aliens, like those of Yoda’s species, and providing roles for them only helps to deepen the lore within Star Wars. Many cultures and species across the galaxy have shown to either have ancient roots or maintain unique connections to the Force. Given what was shown of the Zeffo people there are many others besides humans, or even dedicated Jedi, that have a mastery of the force in their own right.

Tapping into them as main characters could provide an incredibly deep story that players might not have even known was possible. This could broaden the interpretation that many people have about the Force and lead the Star Wars Canon to explore both the past and present like Star Wars Legend has done. There are plenty of planets Jedi: Fallen Order 2 should visit. Places like Malachor and Ahch-To are full of knowledge of the past and it is clear that not every Jedi was as orthodox or strict as the likes of Mace Windu or Ki-Adi-Mundi. Allowing different Force-sensitive species to lead the narrative of the next Star Wars game would be a great step in shedding the limitations set by humans and the movies so far.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 is rumored to be in development.

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