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In general, Star Wars is full of intriguing and entertaining characters. However, a bunch of them are better than others for various reasons. These are the best and worst characters that players meet throughout Fallen Order.

Updated October 23, 2021 By Ben Jessey: Jedi: Fallen Order remains one of the best Star Wars games in history. It excels at telling a fresh story within the universe while providing fun combat. The narrative wouldn’t have been nearly as good if it wasn’t for the characters, though.

Introducing new people into an established series like Star Wars can be tricky, but Respawn did a great job in this game. Of course, not everyone is excellent, as we already proved in the original version of this piece. Yet, the characters they got right are really great. So much so that we thought we’d add another to our list. And to keep things even, we put another disappointing character in, too.

12 Best: Jaro Tapal

Jaro Tapal doesn’t feature too heavily in the game, but he makes the most of his limited screen time. He was the former Master of Cal and players get to see him guiding the young Jedi during flashbacks. His teachings are a big part of why Kestis became the great man he did.

The influence he had on the protagonist isn’t the only thing that makes him brilliant, though. The flashbacks also show that the man is a beast in combat. And the scene of him fighting for his life during the purge is amazing.

11 Worst: Sorc Tormo

To Fallen Order’s credit, there aren’t too many disappointing characters in the game, yet Sorc Tormo is one of them. He is a crime lord that has issues with Greez. And players meet him when he forces Cal to fight in his arena.

While the character isn’t horrible, it feels like more could’ve been done with him. Greez owing him debts could’ve played a larger role in the pilot’s development. Or instead of being rescued from the arena, Cal could’ve brought down Tormo’s whole operation, giving the villain more to do in the process.

10 Best: Greez Dritus

Players might see Greez as a grouchy gambling addict who doesn’t add much to the game. After all, he just controls the Mantis, right? However, he is one of the more underrated characters.

First of all, his character design and voice are exactly what fans expect from a Star Wars alien. Secondly, he grows a lot during the adventure, and watching him warm to the likes of Cere and Cal is a joy to behold. It’s too bad he’s not in Fallen Order more as he’s one of the best characters the Star Wars games have ever produced.

9 Worst: Ninth Sister

It’s a good thing Ninth Sister looks intimidating because that’s all she really has going for her. Her overall role in the game is honestly embarrassing. Basically, she’s in a few opening scenes and then appears on Kashyyyk for a fight with Cal. That’s it.

Not to mention, she barely has any personality and has a rather annoying voice. Sometimes, games have weak antagonists in them to prove a point, yet it’s doesn’t work here. Ninth Sister may work as a silly character in another series, but she does not fit into Star Wars. At least, she carries a great-looking lightsaber.

8 Best: BD-1

Star Wars isn’t Star Wars without an adorable droid. In Fallen Order, Cal teams with BD-1. This little droid isn’t only likable because he’s cute - he’s actually very helpful. In fact, if it wasn’t for BD-1, Cal would be dead.

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BD-1 also assists in finding some of the game’s hidden secrets, fixing important gadgets, and doing research. Also, just like all droids in Star Wars, he has a huge personality despite his inability to speak.

7 Worst: Prauf

Sometimes a character has potential but never gets the chance to show it. Prauf is delightful for the few minutes he is on the screen. He does not add much to the game overall, though.

It doesn’t help that his character design is mediocre, and his relationship with the protagonist Cal is frankly boring. Also, it’s rather obvious that he’s mainly in the game to be killed by Second Sister and give players an easy reason to hate her.

6 Best: Cere Junda

At the beginning of the game, Cere Junda isn’t the easiest person to like because of her overly serious nature. Thankfully, though, she displays strong character development during the game. And the stern woman even starts to show some vulnerability while still being a badass.

Her backstory is interesting, too. She was previously a Jedi Master who quit after losing a major fight with the Dark Side. It’s easy to feel inspired by Cere as she gradually heals from the scars of her past.

5 Worst: Darth Vader

It’s not that Darth Vader isn’t a great villain in the Star Wars franchise as a whole. In fact, he’s among the best characters in the original trilogy and beyond. He’s just way too predictable in this game.

Players hear Vader’s breath as he makes a spontaneous but obvious entrance at a big point in the story. Then he unsurprisingly kills one of his workers for not doing what he wants. While it is interesting to see Cal and Cere have a fight with Vader, it’s not one of the game’s most exciting battles.

4 Best: Nightsister Merrin

At first, Merrin doesn’t trust the Jedi because she believes they killed her family. Yet, as time goes on, she starts to trust Cal, and the two share a strong bond. From the player’s perspective, it’s easy to like Merrin once players get to know her as she shows more warmth and kindness than most characters in the game.

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However, she’s more than simply a good person. The woman has also got plenty of charm and a bit of sass. Overall, she’s one of the most underrated Star Wars game characters.

3 Worst: Saw Gerrera

No gamer really enjoys pointless characters. The only reason Saw Gerrera is in the game is to link The Clone Wars with Rogue One. True fans do not need this kind of role in the game because they can place the pieces together themselves.

Saw doesn’t do anything significant in the adventure other than pop in to provide bits of information. Players can argue that he somewhat helps the protagonist Cal. The story, though, wouldn’t be too much different without him.

2 Best: Second Sister

The Second Sister - or Trilla - is a badass female antagonist who is as powerful as she is cool-looking. The most interesting aspect of Trilla is her backstory, though. She was previously a Jedi, but Darth Vader captured her, and she joined the Dark Side.

During the game, though, there are clues that the goodness in her isn’t all the way gone. This creates plenty of intrigue for players as they make their way through the story. Some even begin to wonder if she’ll reform at some point.

1 Worst: Eno Cordova

To put it bluntly, Eno Cordova is a big disappointment. In fact, it seems like he shouldn’t even be in a Star Wars game. For one, his character design is nothing special. He looks like a regular guy with no distinguishing features. And while that might be acceptable for some nobody, he’s supposed to be a Jedi Master.

There’s not a lot of Jedis in the game, so they should all be memorable. But once the credits roll, it’s hard to recall Cordova. And he’s certainly not a Star Wars character that should have his own game.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was first released in November 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. Then later it came out on Stadia, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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