The powers available to Cal in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order are certain to be myriad, but EA Play offered a taste of what’s to come. For Star Wars fans who grew up watching Luke Skywalker learn to deflect blaster bolts and lift his X-Wing Starfighter, having those powers at hand is an exciting prospect. And even just the few on display during the livestream were enough to tantalize.

Not every one of Cal’s ability’s shown so far fit into the canonized list of abilities that are commonly known to Star Wars fans, but also none of what was shown is beyond the scope of known Jedi abilities. The list to follow ties the abilities shown to their closest known ability, though future Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order information will likely provide further insight:

Lightsaber Deflection: While some Force users can deflect blaster fire without a lightsaber, Cal’s still relying on his weapon. This type of deflection, including the ability to hit a blaster shot back at who originally shot it, requires a high level of Force sensitivity and control. Force Pull: Cal is shown to use the Force to pull objects towards him, including vines and troopers. Force Push: Similar to Force Pull, Cal is shown to use the Force to push objects. He widens a gap in a broken metal door and also throws troopers backward. Force Jump: Cal has a double jump, which isn’t quite what Force Jump typically is but makes sense as a video game ability. Force Stasis: Cal’s able to not only slow time for a specific enemy, but also around them or in a field in front of them. For example, Cal slows a trooper and the blaster shots they just fired, then pulls the trooper to them and makes them get hit by their own shots. Force Speed: This is one of Cal’s abilities that’s difficult to categorize. Cal’s shown dashing towards enemies at inhuman speeds. It could be a sort of Force Leap, a brief augmentation of the strength in Cal’s legs, but given that when Cal uses the ability he’s enshrouded in the same graphical effect as when he slows/stops time for enemies this seems like more of a time dilation ability. Force Sense: Here’s another difficult to categorize ability. Cal approaches a dead trooper, glowing with an air of the Force. Cal is able to read this air, which gives him a glimpse into the trooper’s last moments before they died. This mix of Farseeing, Force Empathy, and time shifting is perhaps better left described as a hand-wavey Force ability to allow Respawn to make a type of audio log gameplay feature.

Other possible Force powers shown but left unconfirmed include Battle Precognition, a general ability that grants increased combat prowess, as well as Battle Mind and Battle Meditation for morale and focus. Any number of abilities could be at Cal’s grasp to strengthen his sight and strength. And so on. Plus, who knows what other abilities Cal will be able to unlock or learn later on in the game. Just don’t expect Cal to lean to the dark side of the Force and shoot lightning.

The grander lesson of the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order gameplay reveal is that Respawn is prioritizing gameplay over adhering to any rigid ideas about what a young and inexperienced Jedi should be able to do. Force Push and Force Pull are great Jedi gameplay mechanics, so Respawn will fill the game with gameplay opportunities to use those abilities like pulling a vine or pushing over a bridge. And for required gameplay elements that don’t necessarily fit traditional Force powers, don’t overthink it.

Expect more information on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and how Cal’s story fits into the grander Star Wars legacy in the weeks and months to come, starting tomorrow during the Xbox E3 2019 press briefing.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order releases on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on November 15.