Instead of focusing on a multiplayer experience that leaned primarily towards hunting loot through experience gains as well as micro-transactions, the story took the forefront in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. And that story begins on a scrapper planet known as Bracca, with a young scrapper named Cal Kestis.


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The story opens five years after Order 66 and the formation of the Empire with Cal Kestis on Bracca as him and his friend Prauf work on securing a Star Destroyer to be stripped for parts to make new ships for the Empire. After an accident that causes Prauf to begin falling to his doom, Cal has to make use of his secret Jedi powers to slow his friends descent and save the scrapper’s life. This use of the force is what draws two Inquisitors to the planet, where they question a line-up of scrappers looking for Cal.

After the lead Inquisitor, the Second Sister, murders Prauf for speaking against the Empire, Cal reveals himself by drawing his lightsaber and is immediately restrained by the Ninth Sister who attempts to drop her prisoner off a cliff if he resists capture. Naturally, Cal resists and falls onto a speeding train that zips him away through an army of Stormtroopers. After the extended tutorial that is the train, Cal meets Cere and escapes on her ship with their pilot Greez, only barely evading capture after a one-sided battle with the Second Sister.


After escaping from Bracca, Cal formally introduces to himself to Cere, who reveals herself to be a former Jedi that is in some way cut off from the force, but doesn’t respond to why. Greez likewise introduces himself as the pilot of the Mantis, the ship that players will use to travel from planet to planet. While on the ship, Cal also picks up a guitar-like instrument and plays a song based on a Force Echo that he reads from the object, revealing that he can learn the past of objects through the Force.

The first stop after escaping the Inquisitors is to a small, unknown planet called Bogano, where Cere instructs Cal to meet someone to help on a mission for the now destroyed Jedi Order. This “someone” that Cal meets is a small droid named BD-1, who leads the young Jedi (technically still a Padawan) through the planet to find a workshop that belonged to a Jedi named Eno Cordova, Cere’s former master. After traveling through some puzzles and learning clues about Cordova, Cal finds a Force Echo that has him relive a memory of training with his master, Jaro Tapal, the original owner of the lightsaber Cal uses.

The memory ends with Cal remembering how to run on walls in order to traverse to areas that were previously unreachable. With this new ability acquired Cal is able to move forward to an ancient temple built by a race of Force wielders that predate the Jedi known as the Zeffo. In the Zeffo Temple, BD-1 reveals a hidden recording of Eno Cordova, who instructs whoever BD-1 is choosing to help to seek out more Zeffo Temples and Crypts in order to uncover a Holocron that Cordova has hidden that has a list of Force sensitive children.


The first location that Cordova points out on the path he had followed is the planet of Zeffo, the homeworld of the ancient Zeffo people. Here, Cal runs into more Imperial Stormtroopers who block his bath to the first Zeffo Tomb, the Tomb of Eilram. While fighting the Empire, Cal discovers that the current Imperial occupation of the planet is due to a decommissioned project known as Project Auger that involved a mining operation that looked to uncover ancient Zeffo artifact. The project was cut short due to strong magnetic forces interfering with mining operations.

After traveling through the decommissioned mine shafts, Cal eventually finds the Tomb of Eilram and relives another memory with his master Jaro through a Force Echo. This one teaches Cal how to use Force Push, which he is able to use to finish a puzzle that takes him to the center of the Tomb, where BD-1 reveals another recording of Eno Cordova. The recording then directs Cal to continue his journey to the Wookie planet Kashyyyk, one of the best locations in the game.


Before arriving to the Wookie planet, Cere reveals what happened to her and her Padawan Trilla, claiming that after Order 66 she shut herself off from the force following the loss of a group of young Padawans as well as Trilla. The story is clearly difficult for Cere to open up about, and there seems to be something that she is still omitting parts of her past.

Once arriving to Kashyyyk, the gang finds that the planet is currently entangled in a battle against the Empire, with an Imperial Fleet of Star Destroyers floating in orbit around the planet. Greez is able to get past the blockade, but he isn’t able to land too close to the fighting, where a Wookie by the name of Tarfful is meant thought to be fighting against the Empire. Cordova had mentioned Tarfful by name in the previous recording, so Cal decides that the Wookie leader is the only lead towards where the old Jedi Master had gone.

Deciding not to fly in through the heavy fighting, Cal volunteers to be dropped into the water off the shore of where the main battle is being fought, so that he might sneak past the front line. Although, as soon as he lands in the water, Cal devises a plan to hijack an AT-AT and turn it against the Empire as he reaches the frontline where he meets the Legendary rebel fighter, Saw Gerrera. After meeting Saw, Cal learns that Tarfful has been captured and join’s the guerrilla fighters to help free the captive Wookie leader.

Fighting his way through more Stromtroopers, and a Purge Troopers working with the Inquisitors, Cal eventually finds himself in a prison filled with captured Wookies, however Tarfful doesn’t appear to be among them. Saw commends Cal’s efforts and asks him to stay in the fight, but Cere intercepts a transmission that the Empire has found another tomb on Zeffo. Cal decides that his mission is too important to wait, and leaves Kashyyyk in the hands of Saw and his Partisans.

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Return to Zeffo

Cal returns to Zeffo in search of the newly discovered Tomb of Miktrull, attempting to uncover its secrets before the Empire can solve its mysteries. The Second Sister, having caught wind of Cal’s previous adventures in the no longer abandoned mines, appears to finish what she had started on Bracca, attempting to capture or kill the Padawan. However, after another one-sided fight, Cal escapes with the help of BD-1, but not before the Second Sister reveals herself to be Trilla, Cere’s former Padawan, who was supposedly dead.

In the ensuing conversation, Trilla sheds light on the parts of Cere’s story that the former Jedi didn’t want to admit when speaking earlier. Apparently, the Empire tortured Cere until she gave up Trilla’s location, and after capturing the Padawan, the Inquisitors turned Trilla into one of them. Trilla also claims that after seeing what had happened to her, Cere broke under that strain of seeing what had been done and used the power of the Dark Side to escape.

For the rest of Cal’s adventure through Zeffo, Trilla hacks into his communication network, cutting him off from his crew on the Mantis and taunting him along the way. Cal manages to press on, however, and he does eventually find the Tomb of Miktrull, where another Force Echo shows him another memory of Jaro and grants him the ability to use Force Pull. Additionally, the discovery of the tomb unlocks another recording from Eno Cordova that tells of an ancient item known as the Zeffo Astrium, that has been hidden somewhere in the galaxy.

From there, Trilla sets a trap to kill Cal, but the Padawan escapes and begins hurrying back to the Mantis, to regroup with his crew and confront Cere about what he had just learned. Before Cal arrives to the Mantis, however, he is caught by a bounty hunter, who binds him and knocks him out. The world goes black and Cal falls unconscious until he reawakens in an unfamiliar cell without his lightsaber and without BD-1.

Axion Brood

Cal finds himself in a prison run by the Axion Brood and overseen by Sorc Tormo, a name that perceptive players might recognize to be related to the arena battles that Greez regularly bets on. After escaping confinement and reuniting with BD-1, Cal arrives at the arena, and has to face off against monsters from all over the galaxy. The battle is cut short after defeating the bounty hunter who captured Cal when Greez flies the Mantis into the arena to pick the imprisoned Jedi (again, technically still a Padawan) up.

Awkward Moment on the Mantis

Back on the Mantis, Cal confronts Cere with the revelation that Trilla is alive and that Cere is responsible for the former Padawan turning to the Dark Side. Cere admits to her shame, revealing that she’s cut herself off from the force because of how she used the Dark Side to kill everyone responsible for turning Trilla before escaping from Fortress Inqusitorious. Cal doesn’t fully forgive Cere for lying, but agrees to continue his mission for what it could mean for the galaxy.

Similarly, Greez takes a moment to apologize to Cal for his involvement in attracting the attention of the Axion Brood bounty hunters. Greez says specifically that he made a mistake, and it’s implied that he may have sold Cal out, but is never said point blank. It is possible that he feels responsible for being sloppy and leaving them open to hacking because he was watching the games, but that is still up for player interpretation.

Return to Kashyyyk

After escaping from the Axion Brood, Cere receives a transmission from Kashyyyk that claims that Tarfful is currently hiding in the Shadowlands and is willing to meet with Cal. Having not found what they were looking for the first time on Kashyyyk, the crew decides that following up with Tarfful is still the best lead they have. However, when they arrive, the Imperial occupation is in full effect and Saw Gerrera seems to have abandoned the planet and the Wookies.

Some remaining Partisans stay behind and help Cal find Tarfful, who meets with Cal and instructs him that when Eno Cordova had last been on the planet, he had traveled to the top of the Origin Tree. The path requires a lot of underwater travel, and so Tarfful and Partisan Mari grant Cal a breather that allows him to make the trip. On the way up Cal is confronted by the Ninth Sister in her personal fighter, but is saved by the mythical Shyyyo Bird, which is wounded in the encounter.

After finding the Shyyyo, Cal helps remove a piece of the Ninth Sister’s ship from its wing and heals it with one of BD-1’s health stims. As a result, the Shyyyo offers Cal a ride to the top of the Origin Tree, where he has another Force Echo inspired memory of Jaro that helps him relearn how to use Force Jump that functions as a double jump. However, at the top of the tree, the Ninth Sister confronts Cal, where they fight and the young Padawan finally earns his first win over an Inquisitor.

At the top of the world tree, BD-1 also unlocks another recording of Eno Cordova, which directs Cal to head to Dathomir in order to find the Zeffo Astrium which is the final step to unlocking Cordova’s Holocron. From here, Cal returns to the Mantis, full of pride for defeating the Ninth Sister and informs the crew that they need to head for Dathomir.


Cal heads to Dathomir for what seems to be the final step towards getting the Holocron and beginning to rebuild the Jedi Order. Upon arriving, Cal meets a Nightsister, one of the Force Witches of Dathomir, who warns for him to leave and sends her Nightbrothers to kill him. Failing to take this advice, Cal continues through Dathomir until he reaches a Nightbrother city, but his advance is halted and the Padawan is sent into the a pit that is used as a trial for Nightbrothers to become warriors.

Along the path of the trial, Cal encounters the Gorgara, a huge bat-like creature that acts as the trial for new Nightbrother warriors. After an extended battle with the flying creature that drags Cal into the sky before being put down for good, the monster dies and the Padawan continues his journey through Dathomir. The final step is to finish tearing through the Nightbrother village before finally arriving at the final Zeffo Temple.

Blocking the path to the Zeffo Temple is an imposing figure, who reveals himself to be a former Jedi named Malicos who crash landed on Dathomir after Order 66. Since crash landing, he took control of the Nightbrothers and convinced Nightsister Merrin to help him live as a king on Dathomir. However, he doesn’t stop Cal from moving forward, instead offering the Padawan the chance to join him on the Dark Side.

Cal refuses and pushes forward into the temple, but not before Merrin sicks an army of undead Nightsisters on both Cal and Malicos. The young Padawan escapes into the temple, but once inside, there doesn’t seem to be any way through.


Another vision sends Cal back through another memory of Jaro, this one being of when Order 66 was enacted and the Jedi Order fell. The ensuing chaos involves Cal escaping the Clone Troopers through the space station where he had been training with Jaro. Unfortunately, Jaro does not survive the encounter with the countless clones on the ship, but he is able to help Cal escape and send him on his way to Bracca, where the rest of this story will start in five years.

After the vision, Cal is confronted by a vision of Jaro Tapal, who challenges the Padawan to a duel and casts blame for the master’s death. The fight results in Cal destroying his own lightsaber in frustration, crushing the kyber crystal that powers it and leaving it useless. Having failed his mission, Cal leaves the temple in shame, forced to run back to the ship with no way to defend himself.

Once Cal reaches the Mantis, Greez flies away from the planet, escaping a horde of zombie Nightsisters. Once in the air, the crew leaves the planet with no plan and Cal’s confidence shattered.

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Cere suggests that the crew head to Ilum, the source of all kyber crystals, in order to build Cal a new lightsaber. Cal doesn’t respond positively at first, but he does eventually take the advice and the crew heads to the planet where Padawan visit to build their lightsabers. Once they arrive, Cere gives Cal her lightsaber to include into his own when he finds a new kyber crystal.

After moving through a number of puzzles and trials on the way to finding the kyber crystal that calls out to him, Cal nearly freezes to death in a frozen pond before being saved by a vision of his young self. However, his path still fails as the crystal he finds snaps in half, leaving the Padawan broken and defeated in a cave on Ilum. At this moment, BD-1 finds the final recording hidden by Cordova that reveals that he had trusted the droid to find someone he trusts and lead him to the Holocron.

With newfound resolve from the Cordova recording, Cal manages to use the broken kyber crystal to make a duel-bladed lightsaber that can split into two separate lightsabers. On his way back to the Mantis, Cal is interrupted by a group of Stormtroopers that are on Ilum as a part of the operations that will eventually power the Death Star’s planet destroying weaponry. Cal fights his way through the Imperial army and heads back to Dathomir.

Return to Dathomir

Back at Dathomir, the Nightbrothers and undead Nightsisters continue to block Cal’s way, but it is a quick trip back to the Zeffo Temple, with no need to return to the Nightbrother village. Once Cal reaches the Zeffo Temple, he is once again confronted by an image of Jaro Tapal, but he chooses not to fight and instead accepts the truth and pain of what had happened five years ago. Having passed through his own dark regrets, Cal is allowed to pass through the deeper reaches of the Tomb of Kujet.

Inside the tomb, Cal is confronted by Merrin, who explains that a former Jedi had killed all of the Nightsisters and Cal convinces her to let go of her hate and move forward. Together, the two take down Malicos within the Tomb of Kujet and free Dathomir from his reign. Having defeated the Dark Jedi, Cal continues into the tomb to find the Zeffo Astrium.

With the Astrium in hand, Cal goes to head back to Bogano to retrieve the Holocron, but not before recruiting Merrin to join his crew on the Mantis. Now with the Nightsister on their side, the crew leaves for Bogano to finally finish their long mission. Although, Merrin questions whether or not the Force sensitive children on the Holocron’s list will be safer as a part of a new Jedi Order or not.

Return to Bogano

On Bogano, Cal easily returns to the Zeffo Temple where he had seen the first recording by Cordova. Using the Zeffo Astrium to open the way to the Holocron, Cal is given another vision through a mirror hidden in the temple. The vision shows Cal begining a brand new Jedi Order with young Padawans, but his new temple is found by the Empire who then systematically exterminates each of the children before eventually turning Cal to the Dark Side.

After the vision, Trilla appears again for another fight that she easily wins, but Cal is able to take her lightsaber which triggers a Force Echo of Trilla’s path to the Dark Side. The pain of the Inquisitor’s life cripples Cal as he is forced to watch her transformation and the moment when Cere killed their captors after seeing her Padawan turn. Once the vision ends, Cal awakens to see that Trilla has escaped with the Holocron, leaving a squad of Stormtroopers to guard the entrance of the Zeffo Temple.

Back at the Mantis, Cal informs the crew that Trilla has the Holocron and fully makes amends with Cere after having witnessed what had happened to her first hand. Having no other choice, Cere realizes where Trilla would have taken the Holocron and leads Cal to the Fortress Inquisitorius. Before they leave, however, Cere knights Cal as a true Jedi Knight as they head out to steal back the stolen Holocron.

Fortress Inquisitorius

This final level acts as the last challenge of Fallen Order, taking Cal through the Fortress Inquisitrorius, where the Empire turned ex-Jedi and Padawans into Inquisitors. The level begins with Cal dropping into the sea and proceeding to infiltrate the fortress via an underwatert access point. Once inside, Cal fights his way through the fortress, with the help of Cere who fights through separate sections and guides Cal through her previous prison.

After fighting through Stormtroopers and Purge Troopers, Cal finally finds himself in the same torture chamber where Trilla was turned and Cere first used the power of the Dark Side. Trilla reveals herself here, with the Holocron in her possesion, and challenges Cal to one final duel. Cal finally wins a hard won fight against the Second Sister and retrieves the Holocron from her.

Cere attempts to reach Trilla, begging to bring her back to the Jedi Order, but they are interrupted by a surprise appearance by the most powerful Sith of all time, Darth Vader. What ensues is a true moment of horror as Cal has to run from the imposing force of Darth Vader, after the Sith cuts down Trilla and seemingly throws Cere into a pit of fire. Unable to escape, Cal is eventually caught and impaled by his own lightsaber before being saved by Cere, who survived being tossed aside.

Cere is able to hold Vader back using the power of the Dark Side, but Cal convinces her to turn away from the Dark. Cal then destroys the walls of the underwater facility in order to escape while Vader has to hold back the water. With both Cere and Cal almost dead in the water, the two are ultimately saved by Merrin who teleports into the ocean and transports them back to the Mantis.

Once on board with the Holocron and the list of Force sensitive children that could rebuild the Jedi Order, Cal and the crew debate on what to do with the list they spent so much time to find. After some deliberation, Cal destroys the Holocron, claiming that the Force will decide what happens to them.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

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