Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is being developed by Respawn Entertainment, the celebrated team behind Apex Legends and the Titanfall series. Fallen Order tells the story of Cal Kestis, a young Jedi Padawan who managed to escape Order 66 when the Jedi were eradicated and is now on the run from the Empire. The combat is said to be a stylish, but deliberate, action system reminiscent of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The game was listed at #2 of Game Rant’s most anticipated games of fall 2019 and is on many gamer’s radar, whether they are a Star Wars fan or not.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Who Are The Sith Inquisitors?

The barrier to entry to run Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order are pretty low if players are just trying to meet the minimum requirements. However to meet the recommended settings, the settings where the game is likely to run comparable to an enhanced console, players will need a seriously hefty machine. Both sets of PC requirements for Jedi: Fallen Order are listed as follows.

Minimum Requirements

OS: 64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10Processor (AMD): Ryzen 7 1700 or EquivalentProcessor (Intel): i7-6700K or EquivalentMemory: 16 GBGraphics card (AMD): RX Vega 56 or EquivalentGraphics card (NVIDIA): GTX 1070 or EquivalentDirectX: 11 Compatible video card or equivalentHard-drive space: 55 GB