Fast forward to now, The developers behind the recently released free-to-play battle royale game Apex Legends revealed that they will show us the first look of their highly anticipated Star Wars title this April during the Star Wars celebration in Chicago.

The Star Wars event is scheduled to take place on April 13th, though no other detail has been revealed yet. Most probably, all we are going to see is a small teaser or a cinematic trailer to set the premise of the game.

More details, as well as gameplay footage and release date, will most probably be revealed during EA’s pre E3 event in June where the Jedi Fallen Order will serve as their biggest reveal.

2019 is a big year for Respawn Entertainment as they already released their first free to play battle royale game called Apex Legends which is doing phenomenally well. It surpassed Fortnite: Battle Royal’s record of having 25 million players in just under a week, whereas Fortnite took 4 weeks to achieve that number.

Besides Apex Legends and Stars Wars: Jedi Fallen Orden, Respawn has also confirmed that they are working on the next Titanfall game which is obviously Titanfall 3. No concrete details have emerged about this game however, as EA most probably don’t want to mix up the hype for both of Respawn titles and cause problems in sales.

However, if both the games are actually scheduled to release this fall then they definitely are going to affect each other’s sales.

What are your thoughts regarding the Jedi Fallen Order? Do you really trust EA with more Star Wars game after Battlefront 2? Tell us in the comments down below.

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