In Jedi Academy, players can experience a great number of Force powers. Some are basic and universal to all. Yet, there are those powers exclusive to those on the light side of the Force, and those on the dark side. Most, boast great power.

11 Jedi Mind Trick

This ability, only accessible to Light Side users, allows players to unleash a powerful Mind Trick. When used, players can target enemies, which causes a distraction and confuses them. It’s useful for avoiding confrontation and altering the state of enemies.

At level three, the Mind Trick allows players to turn an enemy onto their side, and fight alongside an ally. However, it’s restricted to combat and is not the most fun one to use. Considering sometimes players will just want to hack a lightsaber, rather than peacefully negotiate.

10 Force Sense

Some puzzles in the game can become far easier to solve with Force Sense being involved. Force Sense allows players to be aware of things that they otherwise would not. This can range from an object in need of striking, points of interest, or an enemy shrouded in darkness.

Force Sense can be utilized well, but the problem with this Force power is that it is not a passive ability, which means players need to activate it every time that they think they should, meaning they might miss something.

9 Force Drain

As a dark side power, Force Drain allows players to suck the life out of a target. Draining an enemy of their life, and reinforcing it in the player is a rather evil feat, considering they’re treating lives like batteries. It’s perfect for dark side users but requires direct contact with a target to drain them.

The fact that players will need to be in contact with an enemy can make the power dangerous, as they will be at risk of an attack. If their health is low, then this ability could be more of a danger than anything else.

8 Force Push

One of the more classic moves, Force Push allows users to do what it says, and use the Force to push targets. It can be used for funny moments, like throwing enemies off of cliffs for easy victories. It can also be used to gain distance on enemies, and regain strength whilst they attempt to get back to the player.

Force Push is a core ability, and cannot be upgraded. Its range can be somewhat limited but remains great for keeping enemies away. Besides, who doesn’t like using Force abilities to prevent fights and throw enemies to certain doom?

7 Force Pull

Much like the Force Push, the Force Pull is a core Force move but allows users to pull enemies toward them. It’s great for combat, as if an enemy is refusing to leave the high ground, the player can simply force them closer by pulling them into the fight.

Force Pull is greatly effective for aggressive play, as dragging someone toward the player keeps the combat going. There’s no room to run away for those less powerful than the player.

6 Force Lightning

If players want to feel like Emperor Palpatine, or the cunning Count Dooku, then Force Lightning is a great ability for those seeking a deeper dark side power. It has great power and great effectiveness at level three. Players will be able to fry non-Force user enemies like it’s nothing, and the sound is equally intimidating as the visual.

The problem with Force Lightning is that some Force users may be non-effective against such a power. Having a lightsaber, opponents will be able to block or minimize the damage of Force Lightning, much like Mace Windu.

5 Force Speed

Force Speed features very much like Bullet Time from The Matrix. It grants the player great speed and reflexes, although, for Jedi Academy, it doesn’t always feel as if there’s a sense of great speed. There’s no regulation for the time spent in the hyperkinetic state of Force Speed, meaning it can be rather erratic, or easily misused.

The advantage of Force Speed is the speed itself. Being able to travel quickly, and react to decisive strikes with a lightsaber, could be the difference between life and death.

4 Force Rage

This power can be greatly effective, and even somewhat overpowered if used correctly. Considering it lasts under a minute, it needs to be used with the utmost precision to ensure it kills the boss that the player is trying to overpower.

It grants a greater speed to movement and combat, as well as a reduction in damage taken. The player also cannot die, with their health being kept to 1. However, the recovery period can be a burden, especially when health is constantly drained.

3 Force Heal

This move can only be used effectively out of combat, but means that the player can convert Force energy into health. It’s a light side ability, hence the lack of other people dying at the player’s healing expense. It’s greatly effective after a hard encounter when the player needs to recuperate that lost health.

Leveling up Force Heal is a great idea, considering at level two, players will be able to heal whilst moving around. Level three allows players to heal, even in combat. It’s a great way of exchanging Force power for health.

2 Force Jump

Force Jump can very much seem like a basic jump at the start of the game. As it levels up, it can be used for some serious acrobatic feats. Vertical jumps can be used to the platform, and get to hard-to-reach places. The player will never lose the high ground with such an impressive jump.

At level two, players can jump at 4 times the height of a normal jump. The third level is 8 times the normal. It will feel like the player has a trampoline on their feet, jumping great heights.

1 Force Grip

This infamous ability is the way of the Sith, and a powerful dark side one. It can be used to choke or constrict enemy organs, and lift them off the ground. Players can utilize this to restrict their breathing and hold them above ground. They can drag their opponents over cliffs, and watch them helplessly drop to their deaths.

The third level is the most effective for Force Grip, as it allows multiple targets to be grabbed through the power of the Force. It can allow players to move enemies affected and even makes them drop their weapons, as long as it is not a lightsaber.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is available now on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and the original Xbox.

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