The galaxy of Star Wars is divided into different sections, with some locations in isolated or uncivilized areas and others being highly advanced societies. The planets that most people know from the movies are known as the Core Worlds, and even these can be wild and unknown. Here are a few of the most mysterious planets in the Star Wars universe.

6 Tython

The Deep Core is the region of the galaxy closest to its brilliant center, which also hosts a black hole and a whole lot of gravitational fluctuations and dark matter, so any planets here are notoriously difficult to find. Habitation is sparse due to the space being so difficult to navigate, but certain Force-sensitive races were able to find and colonize Tython thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire.

Tython was always strong in the Force, thick with plant life, and in modern times acts as a training ground and sanctuary for the Jedi Order. The long history of this planet is what makes it both mysterious and interesting, and viewers who are curious can see Tython in The Mandalorianand one of the many planets that make up the MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

5 Korriban

At first glance, Korriban seems like the Dark Side equivalent of Tython, but there is another. The planet appears in various types of Star Wars media including magazines, video games, and comic books, and is the starting area for Imperial Force-using classes in SWTOR.

There’s only one planet in the Horuset system, and it’s Korriban, with other mysteries to discover thanks to its deep connections to the Sith race. The landscape is dotted with dark, cryptic tombs and imposing ruins that their empire left behind. Its ancient history includes the emergence of the Sith Empire, which traces its origins to this planet and still serves as a training ground for students of the Dark Side.

4 Dagobah

Yoda would say that the true riddle of Dagobah is the one every visitor brings with them, and he would be correct, which could make it the most mysterious planet in the Star Wars universe. As one of the lesser-known planets in the Outer Rim territories, it had no cities or technology, but all kinds of life readings.

Dagobah is one of the better-known planets of Star Wars lore as the retirement home of the Jedi Master Yoda and the training ground of Luke Skywalker. Some aspects of Luke’s training included facing the Dark Side of the Force, including his own memories and inner demons. Dagobah’s connection to the Force makes it a conduit to certain ethereal planes, making this experience possible.

3 Yavin 4

The fourth planet to revolve around the red gas giant called Yavin, hence the name. Yavin 4 has a lot of towers and pyramids rising out of a thick, misty jungle, so it oozes mystery from the start. This is also why the Rebel Forces of Star Wars: A New Hope chose it as their covert base from which to attack the Death Star.

When it comes to climate, Yavin 4 seemed like a paradise but remains stubbornly resistant to attempt at cultivation or colonization. The true mystery here lies in the ancient and now extinct culture of the Massassi warrior people, who built the massive old temples in honor of their Sith Masters.

2 Mon Cala

The Star Wars universe includes a race called the Mon Calamari, who has a long and proud history of siding with the Republic in any fight. Specifically, their support consisted of donating and building the ships they were famous for on their oceanic planet.

The Mon Calamari appear often in movies, shows, and games, but their home planet doesn’t get half the attention it deserves aside from being the occasional battleground when the Republic and Imperial armies go to war. Much of the planet’s greatest landmarks, cities, and famous locations are hidden underwater, making them a mystery to any species that doesn’t have the same aquatic abilities.

1 Byss

On paper, it seems like the ideal planet, perfect for colonization and resource extraction, and that’s what helps to hide its true nature as the sanctuary of Darth Sidious and a powerful font of Dark Force energy. Like Tython, its Light Side counterpart, it was located in the Deep Core and could only be reached via the dangerous Byss Run, an unstable hyperspace plane.

Byss might have been a normal planet at one time, but the Emperor built his Imperial Citadel there, where he rules the planet as a theocracy and keeps a number of cloned bodies should he need to be resurrected. What makes this planet even more mysterious is that it has yet to appear in any of the movies or TV shows, despite its deep connection to one of the main antagonists. Curious fans who want more can read the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic books, which are mostly set on this planet.

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