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Fighters may be adaptable, but that doesn’t mean that they’re without a core role to play in the ensuing spacefaring dogfight. Fighter pilots are indeed crucial members of the squadron, and they have their fair share of weight to pull when it comes to team dynamics. Whether you’re piloting an X-Wing or a TIE Fighter, a few pro tips will go a long, long way when battling for supremacy over a galaxy far, far away.

10 Don’t Underestimate Their Importance

The Star Wars universe has given birth to many characters whose powers and stories are not as legendary as they should be. This goes for ships as well. It’s hard to ignore the glamour of a Rebel Frigate or an Imperial Star Destroyer.

But X-Wings and TIE Fighters are fantastic choices for combat. They are the jack-of-all-trades. Some will feel as though not being the master of any specific portion of the game is a hindrance, but when numbers start dwindling down, the victorious side is generally the one which has more fighters and less one-trick ponies.

9 Choosing Sides Wisely

The first mistake any amateur makes is knowing which side they will fight for before ever opening the game. Some will play the “good guys” no matter what. Others are looking for another great “dark side” Star Wars experience.

The X-Wings and TIE Fighters are nowhere close to the same experience with one another when flown correctly. More will be discussed on this matter later, but the point is that the player should try both out and stick with the one that better suits their play style.

8 Protection

All three other ships have a designated purpose. Interceptors target other ships. Bombers target capital ships. Supports assist their own ships. Fighters, however, don’t have a designation. This, unfortunately, gives some rookies a license to go off and do whatever they want.

Games like Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes will give players some ideas for how to build a great team. In Star Wars: Squadrons, players must rely on their own common sense. A fighter’s primary job is to protect Supports and Bombers from being blown into oblivion.

7 X-Wing: Missiles

Shields help a little against a TIE Fighter assault, but their superior speed and maneuverability will place X-Wing pilots at a pretty drastic disadvantage. Show no fear! Remember that X-Wings have advanced missile systems.

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Don’t try to out steer them. Get to a medium range and make sure to equip some fast missiles. They can dodge and use counter-measures, but not quicker than an X-Wing’s reloading speed on their missiles.

6 TIE Fighter: Maneuverability

TIE Fighters will lose a battle at range with about any craft. Thankfully, with a thick hull, improved lasers, and better speed, being distanced is an unnecessary disadvantage. Get in close and open fire on the slower Republic ships.

It’s best to build TIE Fighters around their strengths; go for offensive capabilities that specialize in short bursts and throw some engines on that capitalize on top speed and turning. Winning the positioning battle is never more than a boost and a few quick turns away.

5 Focus Attacks

It might take a while for the jury of players to decide whether or not this game is as good as the movies that it is based on, but the being in the cockpit with a bit of imagination does initially feel as special as it looks in the movies.

Fans and gamers alike should remember that this is a team game. It’s not just about the player and their cockpits, it’s about an entire team and all of their cockpits. One-on-one battles are slogs that are seldom won by either side. Focus attacks on a single target at a time and take turns firing missiles to get through even the toughest hull.

4 Front Lines

This advice comes down to the player’s power of deduction. Bombers must be protected in the middle while being escorted. Supports must be behind the combat, offering boosts to their allies. And interceptors must be on the outskirts trying to pick off stragglers.

So where does this leave the fighter? Right smack dab on the front lines. Stay in front and dogfight for as long as possible, then repair, drop countermeasures, speed away, focus shields to the back, and live to see a sequel (unlike some other poor video game franchises).

3 Target Bombers And Supports

There is, as always, a temptation to relive a classic favorite starfighter game and spend the entire mission trying to catch other speedy and prepared spacecraft. But if the enemy wants to run off, the pros all agree; let them.

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Bombers and supports do not have the firepower to handle the fighter’s barrages. The interceptors will be preoccupied with trying to take down other fighters, so the natural order of battle is to attack these ships the instant they accidentally get into range. And keep a physical eye out for the supports, their stealth is no match for a keen pilot’s eye.

2 Avoid Interceptors

There is no way around it, the TIE Interceptor and the A-Wing are built to destroy the fighter. Any engagement one-on-one with these interceptors will likely result in death unless the opposing player is supremely untalented.

But don’t give up — adapt and survive! To deal with interceptors, stay together and avoid getting picked off. The interceptor has only a brief advantage over a single ship; when two ships open fire on it, this benefit gets flipped around.

1 Adaptability

No space battle is fought without some losses. Sometimes, early into the fight, squadrons will lose their bombers, supports, or interceptors. The fighter is the most adaptable ship and it demands a player equally as willing to evolve with the fight.

Fighters can fill in for these other ships like no other can. Be ready to change tactics at an instant; if the situation demands blowing up hangars, scrapping away in dogfights, or assisting valuable assets, the fighter pilot should be the first to respond.

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