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It is most definitely not easy piloting a starfighter, and this game is a testament to that. Aspiring pilots and newcomers will be highly susceptible to making rookie mistakes, which they will have to overcome if they want to excel in Star Wars Squadrons.

10 Not Playing The Story Mode First

Many players who play a game for its multiplayer element will consider the story or campaign mode an afterthought, or they’ll simply not play it at all. This should not be the case with Star Wars Squadrons. Even if the player’s main purpose of playing this game is to engage in space combat in multiplayer mode with friends or with other players online, the main campaign mode should still be considered for many reasons.

The main campaign will provide a much-needed tutorial and comprehensive breakdown of gameplay elements, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each starfighter accessible in the game.

9 Going Too Slow

If the player playing the game is used to first-person shooters where you’ll have to slow down in order to get hits in, employing the same strategy for this game will not work for them. In Star Wars Squadrons, speed is one of the names of the game. The players will most definitely have to keep moving while aiming properly if they want to gain an upper hand in this game.

It will be very tempting to slow down every once in a while in this game, especially when attempting to make sharp turns. The players should just keep on moving and never go too slow for too long, as it will allow them to become easier targets.

8 Choosing Fighter-type Starfighters Only

The fighter ships are the standard, or the first starfighter the players will ever play when playing Star Wars Squadrons. It handles like a dream, and, once done correctly, piloting the starfighter will allow the player to dominate a space battle.

As awesome as this ship type is, players should only focus on this one particular starfighter. The game has so much more to offer and players should take the time to explore the other ones. The players can opt to play support, or fly a powerful bomber ship. Interceptors can also be used for harder hits.

7 Not Knowing The Power Priorities

Players should start being familiar with the game’s power priorities when engaging in battle. This is an element players who have played Star Wars: X-Wing vs Tie Fighter will be all too familiar with, but beginners will need to take their time getting to know this gameplay aspect.

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Players can prioritize their engine power if they need to get from point A to point B, or when taking evasive action. They can also prioritize their attack power to maximize damage. Those who are on the Republic’s side can also choose to have shield power for higher defenses. Players should know when and where to prioritize a certain aspect. Doing so can mean defeat or victory in this game.

6 Neglecting Teamwork

It can be tempting to become a solo flyer in this game, especially if the player is just starting out and just recognizing the game’s immersive gameplay. It’s quite the spectacle just flying around, admiring the view, and blasting enemy ships to oblivion. This is a thing players can most certainly do, but it is not an effective tactic if they want to last in the world of Star Wars Squadrons for a long time.

The importance of teamwork in this game should not be understated. It has the word “squadrons” in its title for a reason. The players should stick with their team and know their roles; it’s more of an Overwatch experience than a Call of Duty free-for-all.

5 Not Mastering Maneuverability

On top of knowing when to attack and shoot, players should also know when to run, dodge, and evade. Putting these two skills together is a surefire way of winning battles.

Players will first need to understand how to prioritize power output in order to balance between maneuverability and aggressive offensive. While the latter is important, so is the former. Learn when to place the ship’s power on engines and master maneuverability on scenarios that call for it. Also, learn to lower the speed to the “sweet spot” to maximize sharp turns and manage the controls properly. If a player can learn all of these things, they can surely dominate this game.

4 Not Knowing How To Drift

Space drifting maybe an obscure thing, but it’s one of the things that make this game’s flying mechanic incredibly immersive and satisfying. On top of that, it’s also incredibly useful for combat.

Drifting can be done by first maximizing the power output on the engines. The players can then boost their ship until it reaches maximum speed, and then make a sharp turn while cutting your engine power. This move is very useful in dogfights, and it’s just a cool thing to do and master. One particular mission in the campaign will require you to do this move at least once, so playing the campaign will at least give the players a glimpse of how to actually do it.

3 Not Customizing The Controls

One thing players can actually do while playing Star Wars Squadrons is to customize the controls. This is amazing, as players can have different preferences, and the game is not set in stone with its control mapping, meaning players have the liberty to input their control preference.

Take the time to explore the options and map, remap, and experiment on which buttons work the best for a specific action. Assess which buttons are perfect for firing, for boosting, for prioritizing power, and so on.

2 Not Paying Attention To The Mission Briefings

When engaging with the game’s campaign mode, it can be easy to disregard the mission briefings and just focus on the gameplay and combat. Besides, the objective will just appear on-screen during gameplay, right?

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Well, yes, but paying attention to mission briefings will give the players a more detailed instruction on how to succeed in the mission. There will be instances where the mission briefings will tell the pilots exactly where to hit a particular ship or where to fly towards, but, in the heat of combat, things can be a lot less clear. As a result, it’s best to know where you’re going and aware of what needs to be done from the get-go.

1 Not Exploring Both Squads

When considering both squads, playing as a New Republic pilot may seem like the better option. Players may think the game was constructed this way to give the good guys a better edge, while the bad guys have to work harder and play better to gain the upper hand, mainly because the New Republic starfighters are given the chance to equip a shield. While this is incredibly helpful in combat, the Empire’s starfighters also have their own bonuses and upgrades that more than compensates for the lack of shields.

Explore the other loadout options for the Galactic Empire ships. The TIE Bomber, in particular, has one of the most powerful blasts in the entire game. Players will be surprised just how versatile the empire squad can be. Both squads are worth exploring, and players will definitely benefit from exploring both.

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