There is one fight that stands above all others in this game, and it can only be unlocked through the Light side ending in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: the challenge against the Emperor. For players looking to find out the best way to get through this fight, this guide is here to help.

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How to Get to the Emperor Fight

In order to get to this challenging fight in the game, players have to make their way through the entirety of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This includes fighting numerous Jedi bosses, mini-bosses throughout different levels, and a myriad of lesser enemies. The fight with the Emperor doesn’t come into play until players have unlocked the final level in the game, the Death Star.

This level takes players across this massive space station and puts them up against the Empire’s finest stormtroopers. On top of this, to get to the fight with the Emperor, players need to fight a mechanical mini-boss and Darth Vader. This final fight will bring players to either fight the Emperor for the Light Side ending or fight Darth Vader again for the Dark Side ending.

How to Beat the Emperor

Triggering the fight with the Emperor only requires players to attack that very character in the moments that follow a cutscene after the fight with Darth Vader. The Emperor differs from others in that this character uses their lightsaber, the Force, and Force Lightning. If players don’t hold their guard button throughout this fight, the Emperor can deal some major damage with any of these attacks.

The key to winning this battle is holding that guard up, launching Force Lightning attacks, and striking with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s main character’s lightsaber often. The way the game does combat will lead to situations where players can win clashes by rapidly pressing down on the prompted buttons. Winning these small fights within the larger battle will wear away at the Emperor’s health.

Eventually, this fight in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed shifts to a final quick time event where players need quick reactions. The pattern is random, but the timing stays the same. Fortunately, once this has been mastered, the fight has been finished, and the game has been completed.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is available on PC, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, and the Nintendo Switch.

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