Given the fact that details regarding Visceral’s new Star Wars IP are scarce at best, the announcement that the game is still more than a year away isn’t exactly earth-shattering news. Jorgensen’s comments, however, at least confirm the game is still in production and on-track for whatever the internal targeted release date might be. While it might seem somewhat paranoid to be worried about a game fans haven’t even seen yet, it’s likely that Star Wars fanatics haven’t forgotten the disappointment of the official Star Wars 1313 cancellation a few years ago.

What we do know about the new Star Wars game certainly holds a lot of the same promise that Star Wars 1313 did so many years ago. Amy Hennig departed Naughty Dog Studios and her previous role as creative director on the Uncharted series to take part in the new project, while the studio also recruited the aid of the executive producer behind titles like Assassin’s Creed 2 and Watch Dogs when Jade Raymond joined EA to help with Visceral’s Star Wars game in 2015. If nothing else, gamers can be confident that the team behind the new Star Wars game has the talent and the pedigree to produce a title that can compete with any other studio.

Some of the new additions to the EA-led development team seem to agree with that assessment, too. Raymond has been quoted as saying that she “admired [Amy’s] work on the Uncharted games” and that working on a Star Wars IP was “once in a lifetime stuff”, while Amy Hennig clearly felt confident enough in the project to leave a job she’d received a lot of praise for with her work on Uncharted’s gripping, film-like narratives. Visceral are no strangers to compelling space adventures either, having worked on the Dead Space series prior to the new Star Wars game.

While the news that Visceral’s Star Wars IP is still a few years away might be unexciting, it’s also a cozy little reminder that there will at least be one new thing for Star Wars gamers to look forward to in the near future. What do you think Visceral’s Star Wars game will be about? Are you hoping for a spiritual successor to Star Wars 1313’s unfulfilled promise? Let us know in the comments.

Source: IGN